Plattenspieler trans-Orbitale

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Plattenspieler trans DOS.png STS-Spektrum Plattenspieler.png


Plattenspieler trans LUMOs.png


Plattenspieler trans HOMOs.png


231     L+9     -0.65   A
230     L+8     -0.7    A
229     L+7     -0.74   A
228     L+6     -0.98   A
227     L+5     -1.15   A
226     L+4     -1.17   A
225     L+3     -1.5    A
224     L+2     -2.46   A
223     L+1     -2.49   A
222     LUMO    -2.85   A
221     HOMO    -5.33   A
220     H-1     -5.46   A
219     H-2     -6.16   A
218     H-3     -6.19   A
217     H-4     -6.39   A
216     H-5     -6.53   A
215     H-6     -6.76   A
214     H-7     -6.79   A
213     H-8     -6.87   A
212     H-9     -6.96   A
211     H-10    -6.99   A


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Interpretation of STS-spectra

According to our DFT-calculations (B3LYP/6-311+G*) the n and 𝜋 orbitals of the diazapyridine unit differ in the cis and trans configuration, similar to the parent azobenzene. The highest occupied orbital with coefficients located at the azopyridine unit (n type orbital) is considerably higher in energy for the cis as compared to the trans isomer (Ecis=-6.19 eV(MO=219)), (Etrans=-6.53 eV(MO=216)).

We therefore identify the signal at 2eV in the STS spectrum of the cis isomer as the lone pair orbital mainly located at the azo-group of the azopyridine unit (MO=219). The lone pair orbitals at the azo group of the cis isomer have their maximum elevation pointing away from the surface and thus are exposed to the STM tip which gives rise to a large signal.