- Bestimmung von CANE-Zahlen
- Bestimmung von strukturellen Aromatizitästkriterien
- Zusammentrage von diversen Aromatizitästkriterien aus verschiedenen xyz-Quellen
- Position von ghost-atoms berechnen.
- ISE/FISE Substitution
- Eier legen, Milch geben, Wolle produzieren.
Nützlich für:
- conformational search
- Annulene
- alle acid-Rechner
- Download
- Source: sftp://acid8/home/koehler/gitmaster/cpp_thesis
Kommandozeile. Beispiel:
xyz2cane -s sel/c12ringtors.sel -i cs/ -o -v > c12_mmp_csearch.cane.csv
xyz2cane 1.0.4 (c) 2006, 2007 Felix Koehler Synopsis: Writes a (CANE) Canonical Enumeration nomenclature string list for all structures in xyzfile. Usage: xyz2cane <Options> Options: -s <selectionname> name of the selection file -d : don't delete double cane values with same energy -i <xyzname> name of the xyz input file -n <nicsname> name of the xyz file with nics positions as ghost atoms (Bq) -o <cleanxyzname> name of the xyz outputfile, doublettes cleaned out -m <mutatealgorithm>: Produce xyzfiles with inden and isoinden derivates into structure. 8 is standard algorithm. 1: substitute preferably at outer atoms .... 8: substitute preferably at most planar section 1: ~ centerdistance 2: ~ planarity * centerdistance 3: ~ planarity * scaled centerdistance 4: ~ planarity^2 * centerdistance 5: ~ planarity^2 * scaled centerdistance 6: ~ planarity^3 * centerdistance 7: ~ planarity^3 * scaled centerdistance 8: ~ planarity -x <maxbondlength> : only in combination with -m option. Maximum allowed bondlength for substitution. Default is 1.40, which is larger than the aromatic bond in benzene Use this to make sure isoinden/indene substitutiuon is never at single bonds. -v : verbose output -V : output version and exit -vv : very verbose output, prints distances and dieders -c : comments contain alternate number for structure -e <energy> : energy difference where structures still are considered to be of same energy, default = 0.05 kcal/mol.