AICD: Weitergabe per email

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Version vom 24. Januar 2012, 14:49 Uhr von Fkoehler (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Für die Weitergabe von AICD hat sich der upload des Sourcecodes auf die Scholle nebst email mit Downloadlink bewährt.

Der aktuelle Standardtext für die email lautet:

Dear Dr. ...,

thanks for your interest in the ACID-program.

You can download it from

It is a program that extends the functionality of the Gaussian QM
program. This means, you will have to patch Gaussian and also run some
standalone programs. Please untar it and follow the instructions in the
file called INSTALL.TXT.
If you have any questions, please contact me under this email or my
bosses email address

Note that the installation instructions start from a point where you are
using a Gaussian program that you have compiled yourself, thus ensuring
you have:

- the Gaussian sourcecode at hand (available only for Linux/Unix)

- the Portland Group Fortran-Compiler and Know How to compile the
Gaussian beast yourself.

- a fitting operating system like SuSE Linux 10.x/11.x/12.x (Gaussian for
Windows does NOT work, as there's no Windows Gaussian sourcecode
available from Gaussian Inc.).

Best regards,